
JavaScript is an important programming language that is widely used in web development. It allows developers to create interactive and dynamic websites that can respond to user input and provide a rich user experience. JavaScript is also used in server-side development, desktop application development, and game development.
JavaScript has become a fundamental technology for web development, and it is an essential skill for any web developer. With the increasing demand for web applications, knowledge of JavaScript has become increasingly important for developers to create responsive and engaging user interfaces. JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js have become extremely popular, and they rely heavily on JavaScript to provide dynamic and responsive user interfaces. Overall, JavaScript is an essential language for modern web development, and its importance is only likely to increase in the future as the demand for web applications continues to grow.

Introduction to Polar Coordinates, plotting on radial diagrams

Introduction to Polar Coordinates, plotting on radial diagrams

, May 5, 2021

Trigonometry “the foundation” the branch of mathematics dealing with the relations of the sides and angles of triangles and with the relevant functions of any angles. Google Basics of Trigonometry Trigonometry in its core has a very simple foundation. Although being so simple, it blows my mind that its the base to all the complex […]

JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners

JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners

, August 28, 2021

I have tried to put together a video tutorial series on YouTube. Please support by subscribing to my YouTube and leaving your feedback on the videos.

Google chrome debugger tool walkthrough

Google chrome debugger tool walkthrough

, August 9, 2021

Debugging is important in programming. There are debugging tools available for different languages one can use to help debug their code. Luckily if you are writing javascript to run in a browser, all major browser’s come with a built-in debugger tool. I have created a youtube video where I walk through Google Chrome’s debugger tool.

Handling Push Notification Subscription for multiple devices

Handling Push Notification Subscription for multiple devices

, July 24, 2021

If you have added a push notification feature on your PWA. You might have stumbled upon one problem. Identifying subscription records How do I identify the subscription so that I can later notify it? The easiest way is to add a user’s ID field to it and save it in your database. For example: Max […]

Build Minesweeper game using ReactJs

Build Minesweeper game using ReactJs

, April 26, 2021

Here is the demo of Minesweeper game I built using ReactJs. I will be creating a step-by-step guide on, all the possible challenges, (hard parts) and the way I approached them. These are just one of the ways we can approach these problems. I appreciate your feedback and PR with suggestions and improvements. The […]



, November 22, 2020

Comfey is a tiny data binding and state management library inspired by React hook useState.

React MD v1 w/ Gatsby No!

React MD v1 w/ Gatsby No!

, November 2, 2020

Please avoid using ReactMD v1 with GatsbyJs, since ReactMD 2 is out with full rewrite, that could be an option if you want to stick with ReactMD. I had started to port this blog from WordPress to Gatsby and I had used React-MD ‘s Gatsby starter to start with the project. Because of issues in […]

ML5 with Webpack and TypeScript

ML5 with Webpack and TypeScript

, October 31, 2020

Why TypeScript? TypeScript allows you to add static typing to your javascript, which adds a possibility to type check on your code during compile time. Even better your IDE itself will be able to tell you if there are any issues with your data types, etc in realtime. Additionally, it can be used by your […]

Machine Learning – On your Browser

Machine Learning – On your Browser

, October 21, 2020

Inviqa Engineering CoP 22.10.2020
Machine Learning on your Browser.

Awesome ES6 Features I love and you should not miss

, June 13, 2018

It’s all those tiny little details that makes you happy while writing javaScript code after ES6 came for a rescue. Following list contains the features from ES6 that I use mostly and has made my life easier when writing my JavaScript code. Template Literals Arrow functions Spread operators Classes Modules Default params Promises Object.entries() Object[key]

Javascript reduce function on array of objects

Javascript reduce function on array of objects

, May 18, 2018

Array.reduce() function in javascript is one of the most interesting functions, but it may be tricky if you haven’t worked with it on an array of objects.

Angular | Watch an object or an array

Angular | Watch an object or an array

, March 17, 2015

  $scope.$watch(‘objectOrArray’,function(newVal, oldVal){ // Do Something },true);  

Paging a long text into a specific size document like pages using javascript

Paging a long text into a specific size document like pages using javascript

, January 14, 2014

Here is a tutorial about creating  pages with specific height and width out of a very long text to give a microsoft word or other document editor type look using javascript and jQuery. 

Using gradient stops and transparency to dynamically fill circle partially in svg using d3js

Using gradient stops and transparency to dynamically fill circle partially in svg using d3js

, December 7, 2013

Using gradient stops and transparency we can fill circle partially in svg. Doing this dynamically using data may be great visualization tool. We will use d3 to do this.

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