
Prisma Migrate: Baselining your existing database

Prisma Migrate: Baselining your existing database

I have been using KeystoneJs for one of my projects. Keystone uses Prisma. I have been putting off using migrations for a while now so, I already have my production site with data and I do not want to lose my data to start using migrations. For this purpose, there is a technique called baselining […]

Implementing cocktail recommendation engine using neo4j

Implementing cocktail recommendation engine using neo4j

A recommendation engine can give site visitors an opportunity to discover the most relevant content on the site depending on the page user is browsing. A content publisher or a store can benefit from extra views/exposure or upselling.

Prisma Migrate: Consolidate / Squash Migrations

Prisma Migrate: Consolidate / Squash Migrations

When working on a new feature requiring schema updates, you may end up creating multiple fragments of migrations. This YouTube video explains how you could consolidate or squash these migrations without having to lose your local data.

Heroku PostgreSQL database backup and restore

Heroku PostgreSQL database backup and restore

If you are new to Heroku and PostgreSQL and need to backup/restore data to and from your PostgreSQL database in Heroku, it might be overwhelming to get it right. This post has everything you will need to do just that.

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