Recommendation engine

How to use Neo4j recommendation engine in your GatsbyJs static generated site

How to use Neo4j recommendation engine in your GatsbyJs static generated site

3 years ago, November 15, 2021

We have the Ne4j graph database running and the Cypher query ready to get the recommendation for every drink. We will need an Apollo server running in front of it to enable graphQL. GatsbyJs will connect to that graphQL endpoint during the build time to query for the recommended/similar drinks while building each drink’s detail page.

Implementing cocktail recommendation engine using neo4j

Implementing cocktail recommendation engine using neo4j

3 years ago, November 14, 2021

A recommendation engine can give site visitors an opportunity to discover the most relevant content on the site depending on the page user is browsing. A content publisher or a store can benefit from extra views/exposure or upselling.

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