
Apache2 on Ubuntu ignores sites-enabled conf (vhost config)

Apache2 on Ubuntu ignores sites-enabled conf (vhost config)

, January 12, 2015

I am using Vagrant to host my local dev environment in Ubuntu. I found this issue, Apache2 on Ubuntu ignores sites-enabled *.conf After few tries figured out, you need to edit the default 000-default.conf file and comment out the configurations there or just delete the file.

.htaccess rewriteCond cascade multiple conditions with or / and

, July 23, 2012

Cascade multiple conditions "rewriteCond" with or / and using .htaccess in apache server. Especially Important when fixing Google 404 not found errors in crawling.This may help in PR , I am not sure though, but surely you wont see the 404 crawl errors at least.

Configure Multiple Domains in apache for local development

Configure Multiple Domains in apache for local development

, May 10, 2012

Configuring Multiple Domains or subdomains in WAMP or XAMP's apache server for Local Development using httpd.conf, httpd-vhosts.conf (Virtualhost config) and host file of windows.

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