AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a cloud computing platform that provides a wide range of services like computing power, database storage, content delivery, and more. It is a subsidiary of []( and is currently the largest cloud provider in the world.
Some of the services offered by AWS include: – Amazon EC2: provides scalable computing capacity in the cloud. – Amazon S3: provides object storage for files and data. – Amazon RDS: provides managed relational databases. – Amazon DynamoDB: provides managed NoSQL databases. – Amazon CloudFront: provides content delivery network services. – Amazon VPC: provides a virtual private cloud for resources. AWS is known for its reliability, scalability, and flexibility, making it a popular choice for businesses of all sizes. It also offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model, allowing users to only pay for the services they use.

Backend to go! Bare minimum Lambda HTTP endpoint

Backend to go! Bare minimum Lambda HTTP endpoint

, May 26, 2024

Scenario So you are developing a web or mobile app that is mostly static except for this one feature that would require a backend/database to store data. We will be looking at the solution that would require least effort and knowledge of AWS technologies. Prerequisites Why? As described in the Scenario, you don’t want to […]

Serverless CI/CD NodeJs Engine incompatibility

Serverless CI/CD NodeJs Engine incompatibility

, March 8, 2023

Serverless CI/CD build error serverless-*@*: The engine “node” is incompatible with this module. Expected version “>=14.18.0”. Got “12.22.11”
error Found incompatible module.

Heroku PostgreSQL database backup and restore

Heroku PostgreSQL database backup and restore

, May 29, 2021

If you are new to Heroku and PostgreSQL and need to backup/restore data to and from your PostgreSQL database in Heroku, it might be overwhelming to get it right. This post has everything you will need to do just that.

Serverless Framework

, October 17, 2019

TASK: Static website Search bar does not work. Add a data endpoint to serve drinks data to the autocomplete field. Prerequisites NodeJs AWS account AWS CLI Install Serverless cli # Install the serverless cli npm install -g serverless Login to Serverless serverless login Bootstrap a new service serverless Follow the setup instruction in your […]

Gatsby with WordPress

, September 20, 2019

Static site generation Why? When? How? Dynamic sites are slower, expensive, complex, hackable. When? If the site is mostly content and no heavy communication with server to update / calculate content in realtime. Best use case, Portfolio website, company website, blogs, etc. Static site generation with Gatsby Gatsby is powerful tool to create static sites […]

Neo4j : Update initial password via command line

, May 27, 2018

When you are setting up your Neo4j server and you can’t have access to Neo4j Browser, mostly if you are using AWS EC2 or some remote system and don’t want to expose those 7474 7687 ports, To set your initial password via command line do the following delete dbms/auth file from your neo4j data directory sudo […]

AWS CloudWatch log Lambda console logs

AWS CloudWatch log Lambda console logs

, August 16, 2017

Hi there, I was trying out AWS for couple of days and wrapping my head around Lambda and CloudWatch. I was not able to see the logs from my Lambda function in Cloudwatch. I looked for the solutions online and in AWS docs but could not find anything helpful but later discovered that I forgot […]

Getting started with Serverless

Getting started with Serverless

, September 20, 2019

What is Serverless Application? Resources without provisioning and operations. What is a Microservice? Why? Auto-scaling Fault-Tolerant by design Pay-as-you-go Quick and easy to develop? depends.. When? It is wise to consider when to think serverless. Workloads with irregular access patterns Workloads with short execution times Automation What is AWS Lambda? AWS Lambda is an event-driven, serverless […]

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