Drupal commerce add image to Cart or Wishlist

Drupal commerce add image to Cart or Wishlist

7 years ago, January 23, 2017

You can add image to the cart’s item listing as well as wishlist listing. To do that you will need to edit the the view and add a new relation and then add the product image field. You may want to rearrange the field as you want.

CSS targetting for IE 10+ excluding Edge

8 years ago, February 15, 2016

Use the following media query to target your css particularly for IE10+ browsers @media all and (min-width: 64em) and (-ms-high-contrast: none), (-ms-high-contrast: active) { /* IE10+ CSS styles go here */ }

Angular | Watch an object or an array

Angular | Watch an object or an array

9 years ago, March 17, 2015

  $scope.$watch(‘objectOrArray’,function(newVal, oldVal){ // Do Something },true);  

How to fix screen resolution problem of certain applications in Windows 8

How to fix screen resolution problem of certain applications in Windows 8

9 years ago, February 22, 2015

Problem The problem was, certain apps like my IDE phpStorm, would not use the actual resolution and degrades to lower resolution as if I have set my resolution to something less than optimal resolution of my screen. I have 1920×1080 screen on my laptop and the application would act like I have lower resolution so […]

Configure bluetooth module for arduino

Configure bluetooth module for arduino

9 years ago, January 19, 2015

Requirements: a. Arduino b. XBEE Shield c. Bluetooth Module To make the bluetooth module work: Follow these steps a. Upload the bare minimum sketch to the arduino. void setup() { } void loop() { } b. Connect only the XBEE shield (incl. Bluetooth module to arduino) c. Connect arduino to pc and run the serial […]

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