Generate a complete software project with single line of prompt with MetaGPT

Generate a complete software project with single line of prompt with MetaGPT

8 months ago, August 13, 2023

What if AI could write fully functional software for us, with a one-line prompt?

FreeTouchDeck with air mouse feature

a year ago, April 30, 2023

I recently wrote a post about building a FreeTouchDeck an open source DIY alternative for Stream deck. In this post, I will show you how I added an air mouse feature to it. For this project, I used the following components Replace BLE-keyboard by BLE-Combo The FreeTouchDeck uses T-vK/ESP32-BLE-Keyboard library to set up the device […]

Live coding – Flappy Bird game using P5js

Live coding – Flappy Bird game using P5js

a year ago, April 30, 2023

Live coding a game is an exciting experience, and that’s exactly what I did today! I streamed live on YouTube and LinkedIn and coded a Flappy Bird game from scratch using P5js. P5js is a popular JavaScript library that simplifies creating interactive graphics and animations. It is easy to use and allows you to focus […]

Upgrading NextJs v11 to 12 hopefully to 13

Upgrading NextJs v11 to 12 hopefully to 13

a year ago, April 17, 2023

upgrading NextJs from v11 to 12. Webpack@4 is no more supported so first Upgrade Webpack v4 to v5 Simply run yarn up webpack Try running NextJs yarn dev Still uses webpack v4… Using webpack 4. Reason: webpack5 flag is set to false in next.config.js Change webpack5 to true in next.config.js Run NextJs again. ValidationError: […]

ESP32-S3 Pinout for WROOM-1 module

ESP32-S3 Pinout for WROOM-1 module

a year ago, April 13, 2023

It is hard to find one good colour-coded pinout drawing for ESP32-S3 so I made one myself.I will update it with for info as I get time. I plan to make more pin out images for other modules too like ESP32-C3 with detailed pin types.

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