Uploading SPIFFS image to ESP32

a month ago, April 14, 2024

PlatformIO Normal upload FS Image says it uploaded to0x00210000 OTA mkspiffs -i broken.bin mkspiffs -i ok.bin era_cnt_max: 702last_errno: 0blocks: 480free_blocks: 3page_alloc: 5459page_delet: 1682used: 1370209 of 1799921total: 1799921used: 1370209 A fatal error occurred: Invalid head of packet (0x16): Possible serial noise or corruption.

Working with pixels – Bitmaps encoding, decoding, manipulating, and everything in between

Working with pixels – Bitmaps encoding, decoding, manipulating, and everything in between

a month ago, April 14, 2024

So, you might already know I like working with embedded devices. Most of the time you want a display device for your device for obvious reasons. You will have to work with graphics to create a user experience that is a bit more friendlier than a CLI. Showing Icons, boxes, lines, circles, etc. I started […]

(Solved) LVGL image inverted and rough edge artifact issue

(Solved) LVGL image inverted and rough edge artifact issue

8 months ago, September 12, 2023

I had asked the question on Stack exchange here and had answered myself with a fix after I found out how to fix it. Summary of the issue I have ILI9341 320x240px TFT LCD screen which I am using with an ESP32-S3-wroom-1 module. I have tested with TFT_eSPI and it works fine, but when using LVGL, I […]

Generate a complete software project with single line of prompt with MetaGPT

Generate a complete software project with single line of prompt with MetaGPT

9 months ago, August 13, 2023

What if AI could write fully functional software for us, with a one-line prompt?

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