Building SVG Clock using ReactJs

Building SVG Clock using ReactJs

3 years ago, May 5, 2021

DEMO: GitHub: This blog post is an exercise from my previous blog post Introduction to Polar Coordinates, plotting on radial diagrams. If you have not read the post and have no idea how radial coordinates work. Please go to the post and read and come back. If you are confident, lets go build […]

Build Minesweeper game using ReactJs

Build Minesweeper game using ReactJs

3 years ago, April 26, 2021

Here is the demo of Minesweeper game I built using ReactJs. I will be creating a step-by-step guide on, all the possible challenges, (hard parts) and the way I approached them. These are just one of the ways we can approach these problems. I appreciate your feedback and PR with suggestions and improvements. The […]

Low waste data modeling using graph

Low waste data modeling using graph

3 years ago, May 1, 2021

Hello internet, I decided to write this up after presenting a talk about it to my colleagues at Inviqa recently. I will try to walk you through this mindblowing journey of modeling your data from scratch to building a graphQl API, to consuming the API and then serving it in a ReactJs app.

Radar diagram visualization in VanillaJs

Radar diagram visualization in VanillaJs

3 years ago, April 16, 2021

I have recently written a vanilla javaScript library to visualize Radar diagrams. It is open source and you are free to use it and contribute. The library itself can be found in NPM run npm install radar-diagram or yarn add radar-diagram in you project to add it to your dependencies. The demo radar can […]

Esp32 modules

Esp32 modules

3 years ago, December 22, 2020

There are several different options to choose from when buying an esp32 Modules. The most common ones I have come across are the following. Espressif / AI Thinker WROOM / WROVER WROOM32U has the smallest footprint among all. WROVER comes with integrated 8MB PSRAM ESPRESSIF ESP32 Modules The footprints are different in size and positioning […]



4 years ago, November 22, 2020

Comfey is a tiny data binding and state management library inspired by React hook useState.

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