
Gatsby is a free and open-source static site generator that allows developers to build high-performance websites and web applications using modern web technologies such as React, GraphQL, and webpack. It was first released in 2015 by Kyle Mathews and has since become increasingly popular, with a growing community of developers and users.
Gatsby's popularity can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, it provides developers with a powerful and flexible toolset for building static websites that are fast, secure, and optimized for search engines. Gatsby's use of React and GraphQL allows developers to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces that can be easily customized and updated. Secondly, Gatsby is built on top of a modern web development stack, which makes it easy to integrate with other tools and services. For example, Gatsby can be used with content management systems like WordPress or Drupal, or with e-commerce platforms like Shopify or BigCommerce. Thirdly, Gatsby's focus on performance and optimization has made it a popular choice for developers who want to create websites that load quickly and provide a smooth user experience. Gatsby's use of static site generation and preloading techniques helps to reduce page load times and improve site performance. Overall, Gatsby has become popular because it provides developers with a powerful and flexible toolset for building high-performance websites and web applications using modern web technologies. Its focus on performance and optimization has made it a popular choice for developers who want to create fast, secure, and optimized websites that provide a great user experience.

Avoid trailing slashes in Gatsby site URLs

, April 25, 2024

I just realized that Google was having a hard time indexing my site. That may sound too dramatic, yeah, it’s not that big of a deal but, I was having a hard time understanding what was indexed and what was not. So half of the indexing queue had an issue with the heading “Page is […]

How to use Neo4j recommendation engine in your GatsbyJs static generated site

How to use Neo4j recommendation engine in your GatsbyJs static generated site

, November 15, 2021

We have the Ne4j graph database running and the Cypher query ready to get the recommendation for every drink. We will need an Apollo server running in front of it to enable graphQL. GatsbyJs will connect to that graphQL endpoint during the build time to query for the recommended/similar drinks while building each drink’s detail page.

React MD v1 w/ Gatsby No!

React MD v1 w/ Gatsby No!

, November 2, 2020

Please avoid using ReactMD v1 with GatsbyJs, since ReactMD 2 is out with full rewrite, that could be an option if you want to stick with ReactMD. I had started to port this blog from WordPress to Gatsby and I had used React-MD ‘s Gatsby starter to start with the project. Because of issues in […]

Gatsby build fails @ gatsby-source-wordpress

Gatsby build fails @ gatsby-source-wordpress

, October 31, 2020

While trying to build my blog, the build started failing whenever I used my live WordPress site’s graphql endpoint. It resulted in the following error. It was clear that the site was not letting the parallel traffic. There is no way for me to configure my WordPress site to accept more traffic but to find […]

Gatsby with WordPress

Gatsby with WordPress

, October 26, 2020

I had this idea of having a Gatsby frontend for my WordPress blog since I started learning Gatsby in May 2019. I even wrote a blog about it. But it had not been straight forward. Initially, I used gatsby-source-graphql and wp-graphql plugin in WordPress. WP-graphql plugin exposed the data in WordPress in a graphql endpoint, […]

Gatsby with WordPress

, September 20, 2019

Static site generation Why? When? How? Dynamic sites are slower, expensive, complex, hackable. When? If the site is mostly content and no heavy communication with server to update / calculate content in realtime. Best use case, Portfolio website, company website, blogs, etc. Static site generation with Gatsby Gatsby is powerful tool to create static sites […]

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