
Serverless CI/CD NodeJs Engine incompatibility

Serverless CI/CD NodeJs Engine incompatibility

, March 8, 2023

Serverless CI/CD build error serverless-*@*: The engine “node” is incompatible with this module. Expected version “>=14.18.0”. Got “12.22.11”
error Found incompatible module.

Low waste data modeling using graph

Low waste data modeling using graph

, May 1, 2021

Hello internet, I decided to write this up after presenting a talk about it to my colleagues at Inviqa recently. I will try to walk you through this mindblowing journey of modeling your data from scratch to building a graphQl API, to consuming the API and then serving it in a ReactJs app.

Serverless Framework

, October 17, 2019

TASK: Static website Search bar does not work. Add a data endpoint to serve drinks data to the autocomplete field. Prerequisites NodeJs AWS account AWS CLI Install Serverless cli # Install the serverless cli npm install -g serverless Login to Serverless serverless login Bootstrap a new service serverless Follow the setup instruction in your […]

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