
Troubleshooting issues in general.

(Solved) LVGL image inverted and rough edge artifact issue

(Solved) LVGL image inverted and rough edge artifact issue

I had asked the question on Stack exchange here and had answered myself with a fix after I found out how to fix it. Summary of the issue I have ILI9341 320x240px TFT LCD screen which I am using with an ESP32-S3-wroom-1 module. I have tested with TFT_eSPI and it works fine, but when using LVGL, I […]

Serverless CI/CD NodeJs Engine incompatibility

Serverless CI/CD NodeJs Engine incompatibility

Serverless CI/CD build error serverless-*@*: The engine “node” is incompatible with this module. Expected version “>=14.18.0”. Got “12.22.11”
error Found incompatible module.

React MD v1 w/ Gatsby No!

React MD v1 w/ Gatsby No!

Please avoid using ReactMD v1 with GatsbyJs, since ReactMD 2 is out with full rewrite, that could be an option if you want to stick with ReactMD. I had started to port this blog from WordPress to Gatsby and I had used React-MD ‘s Gatsby starter to start with the project. Because of issues in […]

Hypervisor not working/running on Windows

Hypervisor not working/running on Windows

If your virtual machines stopped working on windows, example docker or any other emulators that uses virtualization, in my case it was due to Intel HAXM that was installed by the Android SDK which conflicted with Hyper V which also user Hypervisor and only either one of these two can exist at once. Even after uninstalling […]

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