jQuery – How can scroll UP/DOWN be distinguished??
How can UP/DOWN scroll be distinguished in jQuery?
How can UP/DOWN scroll be distinguished in jQuery?
To alter the path of a js file included in .info in some special cases
like if you want a separate main script file on ur site for some special browsers like iphone or mobiles.
do the following in your template.php
To remove unwanted-style.css from current website do the following in your template.php
function MYTHEME_css_alter(&$css){
To detect an iPad or an iPhone in PHP use following function
function is_ipad_or_iphone(){
if((preg_match("/iPad/",$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) or preg_match("/iPhone/",$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) and preg_match("/Mobile/",$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
return true;
return false;
We have node reference field "service type" on "service gallery" type content.
Node reference field's select list depends on which language u are in. Eg. If you are in fr language the list will have french service types and if the content u r editing is in english you will be connecting the english service gallery content to a french service type content.
So you need to be in english language to edit the english content so that the list will show english service types.
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