
Drupal commerce add image to Cart or Wishlist

Drupal commerce add image to Cart or Wishlist

, January 23, 2017

You can add image to the cart’s item listing as well as wishlist listing. To do that you will need to edit the the view and add a new relation and then add the product image field. You may want to rearrange the field as you want.

Nested OR , AND conditions in drupal query builder

Nested OR , AND conditions in drupal query builder

, July 12, 2013

How to create nested OR, AND conditions in drupal query builder

Remove unnecessary css from drupal website

, October 19, 2011

To remove unwanted-style.css from current website do the following in your template.php

function MYTHEME_css_alter(&$css){


Drupal – Node reference field returned for interface language rather than node language

, October 18, 2011

We have node reference field  "service type" on "service gallery" type content.

Node reference field's select list depends on which language u are in. Eg. If you are in fr language the list will have french service types and if the content u r editing is in english you will be connecting the english service gallery content to a french service type content.
 So you need to be in english language to edit the english content so that the list will show english service types.

Drupal 7 – Handling file uploads – allowed file extensions

, October 14, 2011

While working with custom forms with file upload fields in drupal, you may sometimes get a error regarding extensions:

The specified file “your file name here” could not be uploaded. Only files with the following extensions are allowed: “jpg jpeg gif png txt doc xls pdf ppt pps odt ods odp”

To allow all extensions, you have to manually set the ‘file_validate_extensions’ validator to an empty array.

Drupal – Force Path Prefix for Default Language

, September 26, 2011

When you have more than one language on Drupal site, you have to define the default language among one of them. For example, if i set English as the default language, it will be shown in both http://<domain_name> and http://<domain_name>/en. but all the links in the default language will not have the en path prefix.

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