DIY Auto sleep feature for a Cheap Multimeter (without a microcontroller)

DIY Auto sleep feature for a Cheap Multimeter (without a microcontroller)

a year ago, March 29, 2023

This is a DIY project to make your cheap Multimeter which you forget to turn off and the next time you try to use it and the battery is fully drained. That happened to me a lot. This circuit can be used on any low-power device, not just a multimeter.

Serverless CI/CD NodeJs Engine incompatibility

Serverless CI/CD NodeJs Engine incompatibility

a year ago, March 8, 2023

Serverless CI/CD build error serverless-*@*: The engine “node” is incompatible with this module. Expected version “>=14.18.0”. Got “12.22.11”
error Found incompatible module.

Build SuDoKu game using ReactJs

Build SuDoKu game using ReactJs

2 years ago, March 19, 2022

I recently thought of creating a SuDoKu game using JavaScript. Having played the classic game and enjoyed it in the past, I did not think of how complex the process of generating an instance of a game would be in the beginning. I quickly realized even after generating the random completed state successfully, creating a […]

How to use Neo4j recommendation engine in your GatsbyJs static generated site

How to use Neo4j recommendation engine in your GatsbyJs static generated site

3 years ago, November 15, 2021

We have the Ne4j graph database running and the Cypher query ready to get the recommendation for every drink. We will need an Apollo server running in front of it to enable graphQL. GatsbyJs will connect to that graphQL endpoint during the build time to query for the recommended/similar drinks while building each drink’s detail page.

SQL to get Products and related data from PostgreSQL

SQL to get Products and related data from PostgreSQL

3 years ago, October 19, 2021

The objective of this exercise for me was to dump all the product data as CSV / JSON so I could index them into Algolia. The exercise consisted of multiple steps to get to the required form of data. I will run through all those steps and explain what is happening.

Prisma Migrate: Consolidate / Squash Migrations

Prisma Migrate: Consolidate / Squash Migrations

3 years ago, September 25, 2021

When working on a new feature requiring schema updates, you may end up creating multiple fragments of migrations. This YouTube video explains how you could consolidate or squash these migrations without having to lose your local data.

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