Safe and Unsafe pins in ESP32 and ESP32-S3

Safe and Unsafe pins in ESP32 and ESP32-S3

a year ago, May 29, 2023

What are the pins that are safe

Accelerometer / Gyroscope sensor MPU6050 Airmouse with ESP32 x BLE Mouse

Accelerometer / Gyroscope sensor MPU6050 Airmouse with ESP32 x BLE Mouse

a year ago, April 3, 2023

I had the MPU6050 module on my shelf for a long time before I finally decided to open it. I was really excited to do an Airmouse project with ESP32 but procrastination has been my friend for all this time. I finally decided to open the static safe seal and solder the header pins to […]

Dual-axis Joystick module with ESP32 and IPS LCD Screen (Paint App)

Dual-axis Joystick module with ESP32 and IPS LCD Screen (Paint App)

a year ago, April 1, 2023

In this blog post, we’ll explore how to build a simple paint app using a dual-axis joystick module, ESP32, and an IPS LCD screen, powered by the TFT_eSPI graphics library. The following components are required for this project. The app features 6 colors that are switchable by pressing the joystick switch. The cursor moves to […]

DIY House plant manager using Moisture Sensor and ATTiny45

DIY House plant manager using Moisture Sensor and ATTiny45

a year ago, March 30, 2023

This project is one of my favorites because I have lots of plants in my home. I sometimes get too busy and forget to water my plants and the plants get really unhappy and dry. This project will implement a humidity/moisture sensor to detect dry soil and alert you to water your plant. The project […]

Cheap DIY Stream deck alternative

Cheap DIY Stream deck alternative

a year ago, March 29, 2023

In this blog post, I share my experience of building a cheap DIY Stream deck alternative using FreeTouchDeck, an open-source project maintained by Dustin Watts. The project saved me hours of writing code and was a ready-to-use project that only required compatible hardware. I used a 2.4in TFT LCD using ILI9341 driver with resistive touch, an ESP32-WROOM-32 bare module, an ESP32 breakout board, and a CH340 Programmer. After some challenges with soldering and programming, the Stream deck alternative was ready to use, and I even used the box that the LCD came in as an enclosure.

Smart temperature control for a cheap Soldering iron

Smart temperature control for a cheap Soldering iron

a year ago, March 29, 2023

I recently bought a less than 5 Euros cheap Soldering Iron which I decided to make smart by adding a control circuit to it. The project requires the following components The project had 3 main stages Budget The total cost for the project was The total budget came to 13.5 Euros, which is cheap. 😉

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