
0.66 inch OLED Module 64×48 I2C SSD1317

0.66 inch OLED Module 64×48 I2C SSD1317

, October 13, 2023

I have this tiny 0.66in OLED display bought from AliExpress, The store page says it is using SSD1317 driver but I could not find anything for SSD1317 except for its datasheet also the datasheet used a 128×64 display, not the one I am using which is 64×48. I have used it with U8G3 library with the constructor U8G2_SSD1306_64X48_ER_F_SW_I2C with no […]

MomoCoder GGKP A DIY Smart controller

MomoCoder GGKP A DIY Smart controller

, September 20, 2023

Momocoder GGKP is an open-source Smart controller with an optional Air Mouse feature. The hardware consists of ESP32-S3 Air Mouse: Motion control, BLE connectivity, OLED screen, compact design, 9 macro buttons, customizable for seamless device control. ESP32-S3 Air Mouse is your new go-to gadget for effortless device control. Features: Motion Control: Navigate with a wave […]

Dual-axis Joystick module with ESP32 and IPS LCD Screen (Paint App)

Dual-axis Joystick module with ESP32 and IPS LCD Screen (Paint App)

, April 1, 2023

In this blog post, we’ll explore how to build a simple paint app using a dual-axis joystick module, ESP32, and an IPS LCD screen, powered by the TFT_eSPI graphics library. The following components are required for this project. The app features 6 colors that are switchable by pressing the joystick switch. The cursor moves to […]

DIY House plant manager using Moisture Sensor and ATTiny45

DIY House plant manager using Moisture Sensor and ATTiny45

, March 30, 2023

This project is one of my favorites because I have lots of plants in my home. I sometimes get too busy and forget to water my plants and the plants get really unhappy and dry. This project will implement a humidity/moisture sensor to detect dry soil and alert you to water your plant. The project […]

Cheap DIY Stream deck alternative

Cheap DIY Stream deck alternative

, March 29, 2023

In this blog post, I share my experience of building a cheap DIY Stream deck alternative using FreeTouchDeck, an open-source project maintained by Dustin Watts. The project saved me hours of writing code and was a ready-to-use project that only required compatible hardware. I used a 2.4in TFT LCD using ILI9341 driver with resistive touch, an ESP32-WROOM-32 bare module, an ESP32 breakout board, and a CH340 Programmer. After some challenges with soldering and programming, the Stream deck alternative was ready to use, and I even used the box that the LCD came in as an enclosure.

Smart temperature control for a cheap Soldering iron

Smart temperature control for a cheap Soldering iron

, March 29, 2023

I recently bought a less than 5 Euros cheap Soldering Iron which I decided to make smart by adding a control circuit to it. The project requires the following components The project had 3 main stages Budget The total cost for the project was The total budget came to 13.5 Euros, which is cheap. 😉

Writing data files to flash memory of ESP32

Writing data files to flash memory of ESP32

, March 31, 2023

There are several reasons why you would want to write some data files to an ESP32 or similar MCU’s flash memory. In most of the projects, we need to work with configurations that we don’t want to hard code in our code. One of the most common use cases with ESP32 or similar MCUs is […]

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