Apache2 on Ubuntu ignores sites-enabled conf (vhost config)

Apache2 on Ubuntu ignores sites-enabled conf (vhost config)

9 years ago, January 12, 2015

I am using Vagrant to host my local dev environment in Ubuntu. I found this issue, Apache2 on Ubuntu ignores sites-enabled *.conf After few tries figured out, you need to edit the default 000-default.conf file and comment out the configurations there or just delete the file.

AngularJS problem : Links cant load page from server but uses ng-route

AngularJS problem : Links cant load page from server but uses ng-route

9 years ago, December 12, 2014

If you are using ng-route and want to load the page from your server you need to add target=”_self” to your anchor tag. Example: <a href=”my/page” target=”_self”>LINK</a>

Intel Edison

Intel Edison

10 years ago, September 30, 2014
Getting started with Serverless

Getting started with Serverless

5 years ago, September 20, 2019

What is Serverless Application? Resources without provisioning and operations. What is a Microservice? Why? Auto-scaling Fault-Tolerant by design Pay-as-you-go Quick and easy to develop? depends.. When? It is wise to consider when to think serverless. Workloads with irregular access patterns Workloads with short execution times Automation What is AWS Lambda? AWS Lambda is an event-driven, serverless […]

Ingress – All you need to know

Ingress – All you need to know

10 years ago, September 25, 2014

The world around you is not what it seems. Trailer: Homepage: https://www.ingress.com/  

Mind your Language

Mind your Language

10 years ago, September 25, 2014
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