Hypervisor not working/running on Windows

Hypervisor not working/running on Windows

6 years ago, June 28, 2018

If your virtual machines stopped working on windows, example docker or any other emulators that uses virtualization, in my case it was due to Intel HAXM that was installed by the Android SDK which conflicted with Hyper V which also user Hypervisor and only either one of these two can exist at once. Even after uninstalling […]

Awesome ES6 Features I love and you should not miss

6 years ago, June 13, 2018

It’s all those tiny little details that makes you happy while writing javaScript code after ES6 came for a rescue. Following list contains the features from ES6 that I use mostly and has made my life easier when writing my JavaScript code. Template Literals Arrow functions Spread operators Classes Modules Default params Promises Object.entries() Object[key]

Neo4j : Update initial password via command line

6 years ago, May 27, 2018

When you are setting up your Neo4j server and you can’t have access to Neo4j Browser, mostly if you are using AWS EC2 or some remote system and don’t want to expose those 7474 7687 ports, To set your initial password via command line do the following delete dbms/auth file from your neo4j data directory sudo […]

Javascript reduce function on array of objects

Javascript reduce function on array of objects

6 years ago, May 18, 2018

Array.reduce() function in javascript is one of the most interesting functions, but it may be tricky if you haven’t worked with it on an array of objects.

Visual Studio Code: Customize find/search match highlight color

6 years ago, April 1, 2018

 To customize the highlight color of the find matches in visual studio code go to: File > Preferences > Settings > User Settings and add following to workbench.colorCustomizations and choose the colors. “workbench.colorCustomizations”: { “editor.findMatchBackground”:”#6f7700″, “editor.findMatchHighlightBackground”:”#833d03″ }

AWS CloudWatch log Lambda console logs

AWS CloudWatch log Lambda console logs

7 years ago, August 16, 2017

Hi there, I was trying out AWS for couple of days and wrapping my head around Lambda and CloudWatch. I was not able to see the logs from my Lambda function in Cloudwatch. I looked for the solutions online and in AWS docs but could not find anything helpful but later discovered that I forgot […]

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