Visual Studio Code: Customize find/search match highlight color

6 years ago, April 1, 2018

 To customize the highlight color of the find matches in visual studio code go to: File > Preferences > Settings > User Settings and add following to workbench.colorCustomizations and choose the colors. “workbench.colorCustomizations”: { “editor.findMatchBackground”:”#6f7700″, “editor.findMatchHighlightBackground”:”#833d03″ }

AWS CloudWatch log Lambda console logs

AWS CloudWatch log Lambda console logs

7 years ago, August 16, 2017

Hi there, I was trying out AWS for couple of days and wrapping my head around Lambda and CloudWatch. I was not able to see the logs from my Lambda function in Cloudwatch. I looked for the solutions online and in AWS docs but could not find anything helpful but later discovered that I forgot […]

Drupal commerce add image to Cart or Wishlist

Drupal commerce add image to Cart or Wishlist

7 years ago, January 23, 2017

You can add image to the cart’s item listing as well as wishlist listing. To do that you will need to edit the the view and add a new relation and then add the product image field. You may want to rearrange the field as you want.

CSS targetting for IE 10+ excluding Edge

8 years ago, February 15, 2016

Use the following media query to target your css particularly for IE10+ browsers @media all and (min-width: 64em) and (-ms-high-contrast: none), (-ms-high-contrast: active) { /* IE10+ CSS styles go here */ }

Angular | Watch an object or an array

Angular | Watch an object or an array

9 years ago, March 17, 2015

  $scope.$watch(‘objectOrArray’,function(newVal, oldVal){ // Do Something },true);  

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