
Creating a custom REST endpoint route in WordPress and saving data to the database

Creating a custom REST endpoint route in WordPress and saving data to the database

, May 26, 2024

Creating a Custom REST Endpoint Route in WordPress You might want to create a custom REST endpoint route in your WordPress site for several different reasons. To create a custom REST API route in WordPress, you can use the register_rest_route function in your theme’s functions.php. This function allows you to define your own endpoints that handle specific […]

Gatsby build fails @ gatsby-source-wordpress

Gatsby build fails @ gatsby-source-wordpress

, October 31, 2020

While trying to build my blog, the build started failing whenever I used my live WordPress site’s graphql endpoint. It resulted in the following error. It was clear that the site was not letting the parallel traffic. There is no way for me to configure my WordPress site to accept more traffic but to find […]

Gatsby with WordPress

Gatsby with WordPress

, October 26, 2020

I had this idea of having a Gatsby frontend for my WordPress blog since I started learning Gatsby in May 2019. I even wrote a blog about it. But it had not been straight forward. Initially, I used gatsby-source-graphql and wp-graphql plugin in WordPress. WP-graphql plugin exposed the data in WordPress in a graphql endpoint, […]

Update siteurl and home options in wordpress

, October 25, 2020

When working with Gatsby with WordPress, I had to dump and import my WordPress database multiple times. Either trying out new host, or some data has updated on my local and I need it in production or vice-versa. Every time I need to import SQL dump, I had to manually update the two options in […]

Gatsby with WordPress

, September 20, 2019

Static site generation Why? When? How? Dynamic sites are slower, expensive, complex, hackable. When? If the site is mostly content and no heavy communication with server to update / calculate content in realtime. Best use case, Portfolio website, company website, blogs, etc. Static site generation with Gatsby Gatsby is powerful tool to create static sites […]

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