Using font icons in Webflow in seconds (the easiest way)

Using font icons in Webflow in seconds (the easiest way)

20 days ago, May 6, 2024

Using font icons in webflow may be tricky if you are coming from a front-end web development background. You might be comfortable using Font Awesome or Fontello, etc. Where you may be used to using class names to choose from your icon set. In Webflow, if you are limited with Font-awesome or Fontello or similar, […]

Avoid trailing slashes in Gatsby site URLs

a month ago, April 25, 2024

I just realized that Google was having a hard time indexing my site. That may sound too dramatic, yeah, it’s not that big of a deal but, I was having a hard time understanding what was indexed and what was not. So half of the indexing queue had an issue with the heading “Page is […]

Joke bot with a state machine using XState

Joke bot with a state machine using XState

a month ago, April 13, 2024

In this blog post, we’ll build a Joke bot using XState, a popular state management library for JavaScript. Our joke bot will be able to tell jokes, respond to user input, and transition between different states based on the user’s messages. The DEMO site can be found here: The Github repo for this project […]

Code Katas, why, what, and how?

Code Katas, why, what, and how?

2 months ago, April 8, 2024

Code katas are like fun challenges for programmers, similar to practice routines in martial arts. They’re designed to help developers refine and perfect their coding skills through repetition and practice. These tasks focus on writing neat and fast code. Usually, developers follow a method called Test-Driven Development (TDD). They start by writing a test that […]

Wokwi Simulator to streamline development on an embedded system

Wokwi Simulator to streamline development on an embedded system

7 months ago, November 6, 2023

In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can harness the power of Wokwi to simulate embedded system hardware directly in your web browser. Additionally, we’ll delve into the use of their VSCode extension, which enables you to simulate the environment locally for enhanced speed. My quest for simulators began when I realized the time-consuming […]

Create Videos using ReactJs with Remotion

Create Videos using ReactJs with Remotion

7 months ago, October 15, 2023

If you are a python dev, in python you can use code video generator Remotion is a video generation tool that enables you to programmatically create videos. It holds particular appeal for web developers, as it leverages React as a framework for video creation. This blog post is intentionally concise and focused, aiming to help […]

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